Feature allows you to quickly see which champions opponents and allies specialize in.
It will show currently played champion, main champion and two other champions with highest mastery.
Any player can be clicked to load detailed information.

Upon finding Summoner his current game will be looked up.
A game searching spinner will appear on the right side of UI.
If Summoner's game is found a special sound will be played and all players' mastery data will be displayed.
Following data will be shown for each player:
-Summoner name
-Currently played champion (big rectangular portrait)
-Main champion (big round portrait)
-Two champions Summoner most skilled with after main (small rectangular portraits)
Any player can be clicked and his detailed information will be loaded.
To load Summoner data click in any place of a rectangular block that incorporates player data.
After loading selected Summoner his mastery data will be loaded and following information shown:
-Main champion with mastery level crest, champion score and if mastery chest been granted* for this champion
-Six champions with highest mastery after main with mastery level crest, score and mastery chest state
*gray - not granted
Basically by clicking a player you select new Summoner to be displayed.

[!] Note that this Summoner is selected and saved as default. So on next application launch his data will be loaded. If you want your data to be loaded - click on your Summoner in player list again.
By default data is displayed for only one team.
In order to see data for both teams - you can expand current game panel by clicking either on ornament button on the right or left side of the scroll.
In expanded view you can see both teams at the same time.
Players are still clickable if you want to load detailed information but it will require you to collapse the panel to be able to see details.
To collapse current game panel click on the ornament button on the left.
After game ends - a searching game spinner will reappear.
Current Summoner's game will start periodically being looked up.