"Who Is My Opponent LoL" was created to aid players in getting quick access to Summoner's mastery: most skilled champions, champions you can earn mastery chest on, which champions opponents and allies in your current game are most skilled at, accumulating champion tactics and reviewing specific games in replay.
List of seven champions Summoner most skilled at with following information: champion score, mastery level and if chest was earned for this champion.
Information about opponents and allies in current game. Currently played champion, main champion and two most skilled champions after main.
List of champions a Summoner can still earn mastery chest for.
Select up to three champions. If any of them are present in Summoner's game a replay of that game will be saved.
Feature wasn't finished since means to run a replay locally is unknown to me. If you can help with this feel free to contact me via email provided in contacts.
There were some more ideas regarding tracking like setting KDA or SABCD score threshold for champions to ensure that only good plays will be saved.